Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Short review to the Russia 's economy for 2022

 Russia's economy after invasion Ukraine isolate by global community by sanctions. This lead to the Economic paralyze that threaten the existence of Russia's economic system in short term.

Kremlin Solution for controlling the condition was using ordered economy, internet censorship and fake news.

Russian who are trying to search about Economic News Russia will not find any trusted information Because Economic sanctions Russia made a big challenge for both Europe, Russia and American countries.

Inflation in Russia hit 200% in short term and then experience decrease by ordered economy model.

And now the main question about Russia's foreign investment and financial resources that banned under Europe and global sanctions is that : Is Russia Poor ?

Shocking strike to US Economy by Russia and China

 We are living in the important point of history and this is the way we should protect our values for freedom and security.

Today's news about Russia and China economical allies for introducing a new currency is the shocking strike to the US economy by these countries.

This is the worst strike against freedom, security, safety, democracy and future of human on the earth.

This is a big shock that will force America to answer it differently because its not about economy, its about freedom, ethical values and the future.

Mind Blowing fact about Russia China new currency that will change your life

 Russia and China introduce a new currency against US Dollar and Euro.

The big challenge for US Economic power and the free world economies, The fact is that Russia's capital flight, and exiting of entrepreneurs and big businesses was a big damage as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

And Russia's next move for using it as an economical and political leverage against West power . This is a ultra risky commercial communication that ever record on the earth, This is a real war warning and the big security risk for the global community. 

Communism stands against free world economies, against democracy and freedom. The thing that is a big danger for the future of earth and future of human.

Russia's economical leverage against West sanctions

 Hi everyone

This is an amazing day for the earth history.

Today Russia and China revealed a new currency that will be use for trade between communism block. This is one of the beautiful and interesting economical leverage that Russia used against free world economies to impacts the money value.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine started at February 2022 and Global response to the war crimes in Ukraine become heaviest sanctions in the history but now! 

There is a big economical leverage and strike against west that will really shock America! Yes, China and Russia revealed a new currency unit for national communication and trade! The big challenge for the Central bank of America and other financial organization all around the world! 

What will happen next!? This is a big tragedy, I can say, The biggest one in the history of Human

Russia China Currecy : A big threaten for democracy

 Today's shocking news was that China and Russia allies for a new national trading system with a new currency.

This is the biggest threaten against global economy, democracy and freedom.

It's a warning for democracy, freedom and future of the world.

This is a big challenge for the global security and safety, the thing that is threaten the basic infrastructures of technology and healthy trade all around the world.

Red money is coming! China Russia economical allies

 Interesting facts that shock economists was that China Russia economical allies against United States revealed and they are introducing a new red money currency for global trading between two countries.

The big challenge for the free world economies that threaten democracy and freedom in the global community.

China Russia allies for having a united money and banking system is a big challenge for the future of earth and the big challenge for the global security and safety.

China Russia economical ally! a big threaten for free world economies

 China and Russia economical allies revealed a new money unit (Red Money) that will make them a powerful block in the east for commercial communication.

This big allies is a big threaten for global security and free world economies.

China Zombie economy soon will eat Russia's resources and this is the most word political and economical decision ever made by Russia to escape from global sanctions.

Space War: New chalenge for the next economic and military power of the world

 Today, Both Russia and US are investing on the space technologies and cloning life in the mars or controlling space military technologies.

The war that will change the world's power equalition.

this is a big tragedy that each country that control the space will control the earth, The economic power who can locate surveillance and military technology in space can control the world for next decades.

This big challenge, will result who is the next power on the earth! 

Russia Ukraine military conflict, An opportunity for Weapon industries to test new generation of military technologies

 Russia Ukraine military conflict started at February 2022. This was a big challenge for the global economy and safety, but in deep, there were a big concept and meaning that used by weapon industries as an opportunity.

This war become a big opportunity for testing new generation of military technologies and evaluating army capabilities in short term and long term.

This war costs billions of dollars for both sides, but in long term this become a big opportunity for both side to use resources and selling more weapons and testing new technologies in this war.

The big challenge about this war is about global sanctions and global community response to the military activity in the Ukraine.

Global response to the military crime in Ukraine was heavy sanctions against Russia's money and banking system that fully paralyzed Russia's economy.

Russia's car industries on fire

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine started on February 2022, the thing that become a big challenge for the investors and entrepreneurs.

Global response to the war crimes in Ukraine become biggest sanctions in the history that paralyzed Russia's economy and put it in fire.

The big challenge for Kremlin to handle it and the biggest capital flight in the history happened, Ordered economy started and car industries fire out because of lack of technologies, kits and electronic devices.

Big car brands also exited from Russia, the big challenge that become a big tragedy for a cold icy seasons of Russia.

It seems that soon social dissatisfaction against Kremlin decision will start and Russia will face big inner challenges.